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【Read & Accept】Rules & Regulation 物流条例

时间:2023/10/17 1:15:59

【需知】蚂蚁包裹-物流条例 Note- English version on below.

(1) 包裹入库

a. 包裹入库后开始起算,超过 2 个月无下单付款,仓库将销毁,不另通知。
b. 入库逾期 2 个月未下单付款被销毁包裹,一律无法获得理赔。入库日期按实际送达至仓库起算。
c. 特定仓库入库首 30 天可免费存放,逾期将有仓储费用 RM 1-8 /天。
d. 目前只有中国空运仓库,台湾仓库有拆包服务,拆包服务收费另计。
e. 日本空运,美国空运,台湾海运包裹抵达仓库会直发,如需退件不安排需在抵达仓库当天或之前通知客服,如已安排出库,将无法安排退件。
f. 发错地址,无写用户编号,无按系统上仓库地址收件人资料填写,从而导致包裹丢失,均与本公司无关。
g. 快递物流派送完成,但仓库未入库,需出示签收证明以证明包裹已被仓库签收。
h. 包裹到付如无写用户编号,无提前通知客服,仓库有拒收的权利。如造成再次寄件费用,顾客需自负。
i. 包裹到付均按本公司汇率计算,会有最低费用RM1 加入在内。
j. 物品名称需如实汇报,如虚报或谎报从而照成后续的问题如扣货,罚款,充公,顾客需负责相关费用,本公司均不赔偿。

(2) 集运订单

a. 集运订单一旦下单后,仓库有权利不修改收件地址,收件名字与手机。
b. 如可修改,将会征收费用。(实际费用需联系客服核实)
c. 仓库将按照集运单上资料进行出货,如填写有误导致货物丢失,本公司一律不负责。
d. 敏感货安排普通货渠道,导致货物被扣,充公,罚款,顾客需负责相关费用,本公司均不赔偿
e. 敏感货安排普通货渠道,如被扣退回仓库后,需重发敏感货渠道,均需要重付全额运费。
f. 玻璃,陶瓷,塑料,电子设备,荧幕,镜片等等,均归类易碎物品。
g. 易碎物品需自行让卖家加固打包,在运输过程中有任何破损裂痕等,一律无法理赔。

(3) 运费审核
a. 仓库在进行打包后,包裹重量必定会增加。运费会按打包后重量进行计算。
b. 一些渠道将按打包后重量进行计算运费,一些渠道则按全抛计算运费。
c. 全抛计算将按实重和体积重进行比较,取最高进行运费计算。
d. 体积重 = (高 x 宽 x 长)cm /6000* (*一些渠道则 /5000, 比如东马/美国)
e. 仓库将无拆包,会按卖家打包的原包装进行尺寸测量与运费的计算。可参考 (1-c)
f. 如需额外服务,如拍照,物品测试等,需询问仓库,将会有另计的费用。
g. 逾期 2 个月未付款的集运单,仓库将销毁物品不另通知/理赔,即时将产生操作费用。
h. 在转账后遗漏了充值付款从而导致任何延误,客户需自行负责。
i. 发票资料欲修改,请在发票日期 30 天内通知,发票日期起算 30 天后将无法修改。

(4) 物流派送

a. 派送时间日期均不可控,无法指定实际派送时间。
b. 如以和物流确认可签收,当下缺无法签收,收件人需支付重新派送所产生的费用。
c. 物流派送当下,需和司机进行点算,如数量不符需备注在签收单子上。
d. 如签收单上无备注,物流会当做货物完整签收,无误无缺。后续有缺货将无法理赔。
e. 物流派送时间均不可控,任何因素导致时效延误,所产生的任何损失,本公司一律不负责。

(5) 丢失理赔 与 保险
a. 如物品丢失少货,请提供相关证明如快递签收单,以证明件数少收以便本公司与仓库查询。
b. 如物品丢失少货,请提供称重拍照签收的物品,包括外包装。以便本公司与仓库查询。
c. 保险主要只对物品丢失进行理赔,运费一律无法赔偿退还。
d. 无保险物品丢失,赔偿将按物品价值赔偿,每票集运单赔偿不超过运费的两倍。
e. 保险只有部分渠道可进行投保,高价值物品请自行衡量慎重安排。
f. 缺货情况需在签收后 1-3 天工作日内向客服进行汇报,逾期一律将不受理。
g. 违禁品被扣或充公,一律无法理赔。如不清楚违禁品分类,请在代运前向客服表明欲安排的物品。
h. 如物品丢失少货,收件人需提供收以下相关资料,如资料不完整,仓库将无法理赔处理:外包装照片,称重照片,物品照片与购物凭证。

【Must Know】 AntParcel - Rules & Regulations
- Please read the following Rules & Regulations before registering or making a payment.
- By registering or placing an order with payment, you indicate that you have agreed to the following provisions

(1) Parcel Storage
a. Parcels are considered stored upon arrival. If no order payment is received within 2 months, the warehouse will dispose of the parcel without further notice.
b. Parcels not place order or stored for over 2 months will be destroyed, and no claims will be accepted. Storage duration is calculated from the actual delivery to the warehouse.
c. Only the China Airfreight & Taiwan warehouse available for parcel unpacking service. Service charges will be add-in.
d. Certain Warehouse FOC for keeping parcel for first 30 days after parcel received. After that will be charge for RM1-8/day.
e. Parcels arriving at Japan airfreight, USA airfreight, and Taiwan sea freight warehouses will be directly dispatched. If return is required, notification must be made to customer service on or before the day of arrival at the warehouse. If already scheduled for dispatch, return cannot be arranged.

f. Any loss of parcels due to incorrect address, absence of customer ID, or failure to provide recipient details as per warehouse address in the system is not the responsibility of the company.
g. If the express logistics delivery is completed but not yet stored in the warehouse, proof of receipt is required to confirm warehouse acceptance.
h. For COD parcels without a customer ID or prior notification to customer service, the warehouse reserves the right to refuse acceptance. Any additional reshipping fees incurred will be borne by the customer.
i. COD parcels will according the company currency with minimum charges RM1.
j. Item names must be accurately reported. False reporting may lead to subsequent issues such as seizure, fines, confiscation, and the customer will be responsible for related expenses. The company will not compensate.

(2) Consolidation Orders
a. Once the order is placed, the warehouse reserves the right not to modify recipient address, name, and phone number.
b. If modification is possible, charges will apply. (Actual charges please confirmed with customer service)
c. The warehouse will ship according to the information on the consolidation form. Any inaccuracies leading to loss of goods are not the responsibility of the company.
d. Sensitive items arranged through regular channels, lead the result in detention, confiscation, or fines, will incur related expenses for which the customer will be responsible. The company will not compensate.
e. For sensitive items returned to the warehouse after being detained, reshipping through sensitive channels will require to pay full payment.
f. Glass, ceramics, plastics, electronic devices, screens, lenses etc., are all classified as fragile items.
g. Fragile items must be reinforced and packaged by the seller. Any breakage or damage during transportation will not be eligible for claims.

(3) Calculation of Shipping Fees
a. After parcel being packed, parcel weight will inevitably increase. Shipping fees will be calculated based on the post-packaging weight.
b. Some channels calculate shipping fees based on post-packaging weight, while some shipment will calculation base on Size vs Weight.
c. Some shipment's shipping fees calculation compares actual weight and volumetric weight, taking the higher value for freight calculation.
d. Volumetric weight = (Height x Width x Length)cm / 6000* (*some shipment use /5000, example: EastMY, US)
e. Warehouse does not unpack service. Dimension measurement and freight calculation will be based on the original packaging. Refer to (1-c) for details.
f. Additional services such as photography or item testing require inquiry with the warehouse and will incur charges.
g. Shipping orders unpaid for over 2 months will result in item disposal by the warehouse without any further notice and no claims available. Operational fees will be incurred immediately.
h. If any delay of shipment cause by no top-up after transaction done, customer will be responsible for it.
i. To modify the invoice information, please notify us within 30days from the invoice date. After that, no modification will be allow.

(4) Logistics Delivery
a. Actual delivery date and time are uncontrollable. Unable to request delivery on specific date and time.
b. If confirmed able to receive goods with logistics but failed to receive at that moment, the recipient must pay for the re-delivery fee if any.
c. During the receiving moment, the recipient must check and tally with the driver the number of parcel . Any discrepancies must be noted on the delivery order(DO).
d. Without notes on the delivery order (DO), logistics will consider the goods received as complete and correct. Subsequent claims for shortages will not be accepted.
e. Delivery times by logistics are uncontrollable. Any delays due to unforeseen circumstances resulting in loss will not be the responsibility by the company.

(5) Lost Item Claims and Insurance
a. If items are lost or incomplete, please provide relevant evidence such as the express delivery order (DO) to prove the shortage for warehouse investigation.
b. If items are lost or incomplete, please provide weighing photo as evidence of the received items, including the outer packaging for warehouse investigation.
c. Insurance mainly covers claims for lost items. Shipping Fees/Freight will not be refunded.
d. For uninsured lost items, compensation will be based on the item's value, not exceeding twice the shipping fees for each order of shipment.
e. Insurance is available for only certain channels. For high-value items, please carefully consider and make arrangements accordingly.
f. Shortages of parcel/item must reported to customer service within 1-3 business days after delivered. Any claims beyond this period will not be accepted.
g. Confiscation or forfeiture of prohibited items will not be eligible for claims. If unsure about the classification of prohibited items, please clarify with customer service before shipping arrangement.
h. If goods missing, recipient needs to provide relevant information or else warehouse will not proceed further investigate or compensation requestPhoto of outer packaging, Weight measurement photo, Photos of the items & receipt.

Declaration: The company reserves the right to modify any regulations at any time without prior notice.
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